Susanne Formanek
GRÜNSTATTGRAU Forschungs-und Innovations GmbH
Susanne Formanek is Managing Director of the GRÜNSTATTGRAU innovation laboratory, co-founder and board member of the RENOWAVE innovation laboratory, initiator of many projects in the green building sector and has been President of the IBO, the Austrian Institute for Building Biology and Ecology, an independent, non-profit, scientific association, since 2017. GRÜNSTATTGRAU promotes building greening as building optimization and is THE competence center for building greening, which is 100% owned by the Association for Building Greening. RENOWAVE.AT is the innovation laboratory for climate-neutral renovations and is funded by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) as part of the „City of the Future“ program and by the FFG.
Susanne Formanek graduated from the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences in Vienna in the field of forestry and timber industry.