Dr. Johannes Feist
Mikro Kapital Management

Johannes Feist is a development finance expert, experienced with mergers & acquisitions and restructurings, and with commercial, governmental and not for profit business models. He has deep knowledge of the functions of DFIs, of MSME and rural financial services industries, and of investment fund regulations in Luxemburg, Germany and Mauritius. He obtained a PhD and Diploma (MSc) in International Economics (University of Munich). He started his career at the EU Commission and European Centre of International Security, then became Assistant Lecturer at University of Munich. From 1999 to 2020 he worked at KFW Development Bank covering different managerial and international roles, among them: Vice President for European Financial Institutions and Vice President for Corporate Strategy. In 2020 he founded his own company, JF Investment Advisory. He is member of Advisory Committee of DWM Displaced Communities Fund. In September 2022 he was appointed CEO of Mikro Kapital Management S.A.