Heinz Thomas Striegler
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender | Chairman of
Evangelische Zusatzversorgungskasse (EZVK)
Heinz Thomas Striegler is a fully qualified lawyer and has been involved in sustainability issues in the diverse areas of the church, church funds and church banks for over 20 years. As a co-founder of the Arbeitskreises Kirchlicher Investoren (Working Group of Church Investors) (AKI), an institution of the Protestant Church in Germany, founded in 2008, the topic of ethical-sustainable investment is particularly close to his heart. The guideline for safe and profitable financial investments, which was created for this purpose and considers Christian values and socially acceptable, ecological and generationally just criteria, has proven to be a widely used, effective orientation aid.
Mr Striegler chairs the supervisory board of the Evangelische Zusatzversorgungskasse (EZVK) and is a member of the supervisory board and the sustainability committee of the Evangelische Bank. Furthermore, he is frequently involved in advisory boards and criteria committees of sustainable mutual funds with the aim of further developing their ethical-sustainable investment profile.