SAIL Investments
SAIL Investments is a global sustainable private credit asset manager. Its strategic investment approach is to define a robust sustainability framework pre-lending and to develop a transition plan for companies based on this, making companies investable subsequently. The sustainability transition plan is directly linked to maintenance covenants. In this way, SAIL derisks the credit, improves the market position of the companies, increases their profit margin and thus their economic value.
SAIL provides investors with state-of-the-art KPI reporting on climate benefits, biodiversity protection and social inclusion based on third-party verified and assured KPIs. Since inception, SAIL’s investments have protected 3.1 million hectares of natural tropical forest, generated a climate benefit of 13.2 million tCO2e, supported 68,217 people and protected biodiversity through SAIL’s “biodiversity net gain” approach.
Based on SAILs investments to date, the forests protected store over a billion tCO2. The strategy is aligned with SFDR Article 9, covers SDGs 2, 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 15 and 17 and reports under UNPRI, TNFD and TCFD, among others