Mag. Albert Reiter, CFA
investRFP | investESG | ESG.Guide

Albert Reiter, CFA, is the founder of e-funddata which has been in service for investors since the day of its incep;on back in 2000. The plaAorms belonging to the e-funddata group include a leading fund informa;on source for ins;tu;onal investors and fund selectors in the D/A/CH region (, an innova;ve asset manager/fund selec;on and monitoring tool (, an ESG media plaAorm (investESG) and the ESG.Guide which provides a customizable overview of sustainability organisa;ons and insights enabling a seamless match-finding for investments, services and poten;al collabora;ons. Albert Reiter is a CFA charterholder (2001) and an ac;ve member of CFA Society Austria, ÖVFA and other organisa;ons. Previous posi;ons include ins;tu;onal banking, asset management, corporate finance and op;ons marke;ng making in Austria, South Africa and Germany. Albert Reiter graduated with a business administra;on/finance degree (1990) from University of Innsbruck and earned his MBA (1994/95) at the Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa.