Dipl. Ing. Thomas Keplinger
Vorstandsvorsitzender APK Vorsorgekasse
APK Gruppe
After establishing the administration and IT departments at APK in 2002, he additionally took over the responsibilities for marketing and sales in 2012 for APK Vorsorgekasse AG. From December 2015, he served as the COO, overseeing investment activities, and since 2022, he has been the CEO of APK Vorsorgekasse.
As an actuary, he worked in the areas of social capital evaluation and product development for a major Austrian insurance group before 2002. Thomas Keplinger studied technical mathematics at the Universities of Linz and Oxford, obtained a degree in planning and business mathematics (Dipl.-Ing.) from Johannes Kepler University, and is a recognized actuary.
He is actively involved in the development of the „Abfertigung Neu“ (severance pay) in a leading position within the professional association of pension and severance payment funds. Furthermore, he works for an Austrian institution associated with the first pillar of retirement provision, offering a funded pension scheme. His lectures and publications cover the fields of financial and insurance mathematics, occupational pension schemes, as well as the integration of ESG investing in portfolios of institutional investors.