Mag. Marlies Hofer-Perktold
Deputy Head of Economics and Finance
Diözese Innsbruck

More than 20 years of management experience in the area of accounting & controlling. Focus areas are accounting, controlling, tax issues, planning and budgeting, reporting, financing, investment; Experience in IT, digitalization and change projects Expertise in ethical and sustainable investing. Head of the standing commission “FinAnKo” (guideline on ethically sustainable investment) in the Austrian Bishops’ Conference and deputy chairwoman of CRIC e.V. (Association for the Promotion of Ethics and Sustainability in Investments) ( – the largest investor community in the German-speaking region based in Frankfurt Member of various ethics and investment advisory boards in Germany and Austria (e.g. Hannover Stock Exchange, RCM, various special/public and real estate funds) Education: Business and Management with a specialization in Controlling at the Management Center Innsbruck (MCI)