Hauzenberger Gernot

Gernot Hauzenberger

Gernot Hauzenberger is working for the KEPLER FONDS KAG since 2019 and is a fixed income portfolio manager since 2019 with specialization on ESG investments and euro bonds. He is primarily responsible for the management of the KEPLER Ethik Mix Ausgewogen and several special funds. Furthermore, he is in the management team of the other KEPLER Ehik- funds and the KEPLER Europa Rentenfonds. In addition, he is also responsible for ESG in fixed income. He is a studied Mathematician (JKU Linz) with specialization on financial engineering. In 2021 he completed the course of studies “Geld & Ethik”. He has some years of lecture experience on sustainable investments and fixed income investments in general. He is regularly holding presentations at congresses, training courses and client events.