Hauer Florian

Dr. Florian Hauer
ESG/Sustainability Officer / Senior Equity Fund Manager

Dr. Florian Hauer has been responsible for ESG since 2020 and has managed equity funds (including KEPLER Ethik Aktienfonds, KEPLER Umwelt Aktienfonds, various special funds) at KEPLER-FONDS KAG since 2010. Before that, he worked as a research assistant at Johannes Kepler University Linz (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Cocca, Institute of Corporate Finance – Department of Asset Management) and since 2005 in the Securities Department at Hypo Oberösterreich. Florian Hauer studied economics at JKU Linz and at Cardiff Business School in the UK. In 2013, he completed the course of studies “Geld & Ethik“. He has many years of lecture experience on sustainable investments, among others as a guest lecturer at JKU Linz. He is also regularly quoted in the media on the topic of sustainable investments.